What is Yoga?

Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning; to yoke together, to unite, to facilitate two things to work in union. In this philosophical system the word yoga stands to mean the aim of humankind - the union of human with God. St. Paul referred to this union as, 'having the mind of Christ' and Jesus indicated his union with God when he stated, 'I and the Father are one' and, 'the Father is in me and I in the Father, and you in me'. Jesus was a Yogi, a person in union with God - and Yoga Philosophy is the philosophy, or rather psychology, of humankind's quest to union with God.

Yoga philosophy is the cream of religious thinking, the result of more than 4000 years of evolution of the Arian and Hindu religions - giving rise to Gnosticism, Buddhism, The Way, The Bhagavad Gita, and continuing its involvement to later be divided into advaita, tantra, and various other streams. Currently Yoga Philosophy is studied mainly in 6 different schools - each emphasizing a particular aspect of the philosophy. 

Classic Yoga is divided into four main aspects; Hatha Yoga - the study of the physical body and its relation to the spiritual quest; Karma Yoga - the study of the actions and thoughts of humans, in relation to the spiritual quest; Bakthi Yoga - the study of yoga by devotion and love; Gnani Yoga - the study of wisdom, and its relevance to the spiritual quest. Raja Yoga is the practice of the preceding four aspects in a planned gradual course of spiritual exercise, a lifestyle.

Yogi Philosophy is the culmination of the truth behind the thinking of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and most enlightened sages and spiritual masters. Yogi philosophy is not religion in the sense of claiming affiliation to Cult, Creed and Dogma - but is a way of life that leads to spiritual growth.

Aspiring students of Yoga will be introduced to esoteric teaching (teaching reserved for an inner circle of disciples) that is not meant for the masses. Jesus and St. Paul both reserved the inner teaching for a chosen few - Jesus referring to it as "pearls", St Paul referring to it as "strong meat for men" as opposed to "milk for babes". Jesus' story of throwing pearls to swine, with the result of it trampling the teaching and turning around to rent the giver, is an explanation of a law of nature that makes the protection and fostering of esoteric teaching important.

Purpose of Yoga

The purpose of Yoga is, as stated above, the unification of human and God. This is brought about by understanding of our ultimate goal and destination, understanding of our purpose in life, understanding our relationship to the rest of the universe and our relationship to God. This understanding results in happiness, an inner happiness, a calm and reserved strength - called in the New Testament, blessedness. Perhaps then, the purpose of Yoga philosophy is the understanding and practice of the inner teaching of Jesus the Christ, Siddartha Gautama the Buddha and the other champions of God - to bring about happiness.

In Progress

We are working on this site during Nov early Dec. Presently we are busy adding articles on the four Yoga's mentioned above.  Hatha Yoga posture and breathing exercises are being added and work on the more esoteric yogi philosophy aspects are almost completed. Announcements of new additions will be made on the News page and in the little weekly newsletter.

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