Living in these three as watchwords--before your thoughts, your tongue and your actions, cannot otherwise but lead to Christ in God's Energies.
Make this your meditation, your daily contemplation, your lifestyle -- and soon you embody the Mother aspect of God, the Wisdom by which our Saviour was filled
Lectionary Today
B0218 AAT "He then commanded a vessel to be brought, and baptised them in the name of the Male the Female and the Son.' When they were baptised and dressed, he placed bread on the table and blessed it, and said: 'Bread of life, of which whoever eats remains incorruptible. Bread that fills the hungry souls with the blessing thereof, you are he that concede to receive a gift, that you may become to us remission of sins, and that they who eat you may become immortal. We invoke upon you the name of the Mother, of the unspeakable Mystery of the hidden powers and authorities of the Father; we invoke upon you the name of your Yesu.'" (The Eastern Bible: Acts of the Apostle Thomas 11:41-43)