About us

This is the international Internet presence of Church of the East.

Church of the East is the holy instrument installed by our Lord Yesu the Savior and his close devotee St. Thomas the Twin.  The purpose of Church of the East is to forward the Yoga of Jesus to all humanity.

Church of the East was officially founded in North India during the Lord's second ministry to the East in the year 45AD, probably when St. Thomas ordained the first deacons for the area around today's city of Mumbai (previously Bombay) [see Acts of Thomas for reference].

The Yoga of Jesus is forwarded to the world through this growing shrine in cyberspace. We hope to fulfill our Western members' demands for devotional media, tuition, training, provision of devotional items, and literature by means of this highly interactive experience of sharing.

Church of the East established a remarkable presence in Southern Africa and North America since 1996.  European membership is also growing. Our members in the English speaking western world are all new, or recent members, and most of us are studying and finding ways to live the Yoga of Christ in the new world with its unique challenges.

This site has more than 120 pages at present.  The members-only subscription site INTERACTION offers access to discussion groups, chat rooms, courses, newsletters and specialized esoteric groups.  We thank you for the grace of your presence with us.  You are welcome to enjoy the Light with us.

Church of the East holds to a particular set of holy Scripture called the Eastern Bible

The Eastern Bible is the collection of most popular Scripture used in the Church since the Lord's ministry to the East.  The Eastern Bible is a spiritually mature book of mystical Scripture.  It does not aim to provide historical or chronological data, or superficial data of general interest--it also does not contain socially-smooth reworked or overworked data intended to be used for political gain.  The Eastern Bible is a collection of mystical Scripture--each verse presenting challenges to the seeking soul--each verse holding potential to paradigm-shift the seeker's cognition into the spiritual realm.  The Apostle to the West, Paul, is purported to have remarked that he has two types of teaching at his disposal--milk for babes and strong meat for grown men.  Aligned with this allegory the Eastern Bible may be understood as an astringent of strong esoteric herbs and spices-a medicinal tonic for the mystic soul.

The earliest book written about Jesus is the collection called Mystical Sayings of Yesu The Savior our Lord.  These cryptic sayings were collected by St. Thomas, probably as short notes, and it represents the earliest and most thorough collection of Jesus teaching.  Unlike other books Mystical Sayings comes to us in a roughly unedited format and thus includes a host of very difficult to understand, and easy to misinterpret, Sayings the churches of the West have edited out of their later books (such as the Gospels for instance).

Another interesting aspect of the Eastern Bible is that the Acts of Thomas contains the earliest Liturgy, the earliest full Initiation Rite and Jesus' original teaching, expressed by this early church, concerning the Male and Female aspects of our theistic approach to God.

Church of the East's understanding of the Almighty Ultimate--God--is not confined to a trinity of male persons

Church of the East knows The Ultimate as beyond understanding and description in human terms.  We know The Ultimate is Omnipotent (ALL power or force exist in God and comes from God--thus is there no place for another force, less even an opposing force), and Omnipresent (present in all, outside of all and within all), and Omniscient (ALL knowledge, science and thought are but three energies within the unlimited Energy of God). 

We also make use of a theistic approach to God

We also make use of a theistic approach to God because we recognize the human need to identify with familiar concepts in our attempts to understand higher indescribable concepts.  In this sense we inherited from our Lord and St. Thomas the theistic approach to God--making use of the family symbols of God the Father, God the Mother and the Spirit of God incarnated into the human being as we are all Children of God.  We understand God to be complete, male and female -- Yin and Yang.  We approach the Divine Mother as we approach the Divine Father, and we respect the divine residing in all God's children (the meaning of the salutation, Namaste).  To this effect the Divine Liturgy end with us repeating the often frightening (and always challenging) maxim, "Our love for God is measured by our love for one another".

Yesu (Jesus) is venerated as an example of the human being perfected by deification (the end of the process of theosis).  In our theistic approach we appoint Yesu to lord over our souls (soul, which is mind), as he Lords over the angels that help humans to grow, because we are assured that he has holds our spiritual welfare as His prime objective, and works all the time to assist us in the quest for improvement.  We venerate Yesu as our ever-present Divine Brother, and we delight in communion with His angels.

A life affirming theology

Unlike many religious paths, Church of the East inherited from its founders a life affirming theology.  We know that human life is exactly that which we are supposed to experience--and we must Endeavour to experience it to the fullest.  We are to sanctify life, and therefore hold to the principle of Sacred Sensuality.  We are sensual beings endowed with a great number of special sensory 'tools'.  We sense our environment--we sense life in the human context--this is our school.  To make sure that we sense it all, and sense it well, and that we sanctify our senses--is the quest.  This leads us on another path than those who choose deny the senses as if it be an evil.  We do not subscribe to the idea that God creates us in an evil human form--but we do understand that the human has the immense power of creation in its mind, and those of us who do not sanctify our thoughts can create evil--and those of us who can sanctify our thoughts can create holiness, blessedness (happiness) and prosperity for the universes.

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Thank you for visiting our little temple May the Peace be yours, may you gain the Light you seek and may Truth come to you at the time you require it.